Microsoft SharePoint 2010 is a Platform not a Tool

Copyright 2010. John Stover

This is one of the biggest strengths of SharePoint.  It is a platform.  I’ve been a SharePoint evangelist for a few years now, and one of the most important facts about SharePoint is the full feature set of the platform.  I read the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management, August 2010, last night.  I’m most curious about the cautions Gartner lists about each vendor in the quadrant.  The cautions are really not issues or technical shortcomings, but rather politically correct adspeak indicating cautionary yellow flags that CIOs should at least ask the question about. 

In regards to SharePoint, one of the cautions listed basically paraphrased what I continue to preach as one of the biggest strengths of the platform.  Decision makers will have to “make a trade-off between investing in a strategic platform, covering multiple touch points of their organization, and the need for greater responsiveness in a market whose dynamism continues to increase.”

Really?  Make a decision between a strategic platform that is well-suited for the entire enterprise or pick a niche application that will serve a single use for a very short window before needing replaced?  Hmmmm….  What would you do?

By John Stover

John Stover Bio.

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