RENDOM Thoughts on Renaming your AD or ADDS domain name

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Renaming an Active Directory Domain Services domain name can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.  I went through the steps of renaming an existing AD domain today.  I did quite a bit of research beforehand but found the thought of rebuilding an entire new domain structure and then rejoining machines into the new domain to be a much more daunting idea! Enter RENDOM.  For information on the Active Directory renaming tool, visit

Step 1.  Backup.  You should already have EVERYTHING backed up, but chances are you don’t.  Or you don’t trust what you do have.  Or you haven’t tested your backups.  So, backup your domain controllers PRIOR to any major changes.

Step 2.  Generate the current FOREST description XML file called domainlist.xml.  This XML file contains a textual description of your domain.   At the command prompt, enter:  RENDOM /LIST

Step 3.  Edit domainlist.xml.  You can make a backup copy of the file first, but basically open the file up directly and edit it.  You only need to change the domain name portions.    My file sample is below.  Change only the items that I have in BOLD

<?xml version ="1.0"?>
        <!– PartitionType:Application –>
        <!– PartitionType:Application –>
        <!– ForestRoot –>

Step 4.  Upload the instructions.  Using RENDOM to generate and upload the instruction list is as simple as: RENDOM /UPLOAD

Step 5.  Verify readiness by using: RENDOM / PREPARE

Step 6.  Let it rip with: RENDOM /EXECUTE

Step 7.  Restart your domain controller and test, test, test, test, and then test some more…

By John Stover

John Stover Bio.

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